2 Important Tips on Raising Goats For Meat in Order to Successfully Start Goat Farming

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Raising goats for meat does not need to be a very painful or expensive process... if you know how -- that is. Although goat meat farming can entail a lot of your time, the profits from this venture are indeed noteworthy. In order to successfully launch your goat farm, here are a couple of things you need to do first.

1. Choose goat breeds that you can take care of with minimal fuss. Most novice goat farmers immediately choose animals which they think will have higher meat yield. That choice could be favorable -- if you can make your farming practice work, that is. But the truth is: when it comes to raising goats for meat though, your first area of concern is the type of breed you can raise.

Boers (also known as South African Boer goats) and Spanish goats are the most favored meat producing breeds in the country. These animals have larger bodies and not prone to become fat even on an intensive diet. Goats like these also grow up very quickly, which means that their meat can be harvested in a short amount of span only. These animals are indeed noted to have the highest amount of harvestable meat per animal. However, these Boers and the Spanish goats would also need extensive care and a very specific kind of diet.

On the other hand, there are some people who favor raising Brush and fainting goats instead. Unlike Boers and Spanish goats, these animals can adapt to almost any kind of weather, diet or temperature. Although not as heavily built as the Boers or the Spanish goats, the Brush and the fainting goats do have a high reproduction rate; and that is always a plus factor when it comes to raising goats for meat.

If you are not particularly sure as to what breed you ought to get, try asking other goat farmers in your area what breed they raise. It is with all likelihood that that those are the particular goats that can thrive successfully in your locale.

2. Always ask a licensed veterinarian to come on board. One of the most basic things you can do when raising animals for meat is to hire the services of a good veterinarian. Asking for his or her recommendations on diet and housing can almost guarantee you that your efforts in raising goats for meat go as smoothly as possible. Aside from that, the vet's help can also lessen the rate of sick animals in your farm and the goats in your care will yield more healthy litters later on.

How to Keep a Non Cruel Ant Farm

Monday, April 2, 2012
Ant farms have become a popular accessory on most homes, but in order to ensure the health and safety of its occupants it's extremely important to remember that ants are living beings, not just a pretty looking gadget on the living room. Learning how to keep a non cruel ant farm is key to ensure a healthy and active colony.

Remember: It is not a Toy

It is extremely important to remind everybody at home that an ant farm is most definitely not a toy. Small children should not be allowed near the farm unsupervised, as they often will cause havoc while trying to help, or to see what the ants do. Ants need a stable environment to thrive, with the right amounts of water and food, so having a four year old flooding the farm to see if ants can swim, or giving them extra food and sticky sweets because ants love them can spell the end of your ant colony.

Choose the Right Kind of Food

Food that is too sticky, too sweet or too soft will decay quicker than the ants can consume it, creating a big sticky mess and forcing you to clean the ant farm. Ants don't really like when a big human hand starts cleaning around their anthills, as it will stress them out. So in order to keep a happy ant farm, make sure you only feed them crispy and fresh food, in small amounts. You can just give them more food if you see that they take everything inside the colony too quick. In order to keep a non cruel ant farm, make sure that your ants always have fresh food and give them the occasional treat in the form of a bit of sugared water, avoiding jelly or honey that can be messy and sticky.

Do not Move the Farm

How would you feel if suddenly your home started shaking and moving around? Ants like peace and quiet, so choose a place for the ant farm that is away from direct sunlight and resist the temptation to move the farm, or your ant colony may just get stressed out and start dyeing. Avoid knocking on the farm's walls, sudden noises and vibrations, and try to keep the temperature stable in order to provide a healthy and safe environment for your ants. Make sure to select a safe spot where the farm is secure and doesn't risk falling off. This is particularly important if there are young kids and pets around, as you really don't want your farm being knocked over and your dining room filled with confused ants.

Build a Fantastic Ant Farm

Sunday, April 1, 2012
So your thinking of building your own ant farm? Maybe for the kids? How about trying that prank off the Mighty Ducks' movie with the ants in the bed? Ok, Hopefully not that. Anyways, Making an "ant farm" is not as hard as people may think. For children, It is somewhat of an adventure to see how the ants live in their communities and thrive upon each other to live. The kids absolutely are amazed at this and it can keep their attention held for hours and hours at a time. Ant farms are inexpensive and can be built using everyday supplies.

In order for us to make an ant farm, We need a few supplies:

1. The Ants, Of course.

2. Their bedding (Dirt)

3. A tank of some sort, maybe even a fish bowl type thing.

4. Shovel, (For ant moving)

(I have used one of these when I was younger)

4. A smaller jar of some sort to gather ants.

Step 1: Place the little or tiny jar inside of the big tank or fish bowl type container. When using a small jar, It allows the ants to create tunnels on the outside of the jar in which you can see them instead of them tunneling in the middle of everything.

Step 2: Now, We need to find an ant hill or pile of some kind. Use a shovel and dig out enough ants to fill your jar within a few inches or so from the top. Try to get a majority of the worker ants, some flying ants or bigger ants, and if you can find her, The queen. Scooping up white eggs or larvae is a plus!

After you get your ants, You need their bedding. To get the bedding (dirt), Just scoop up some with the shovel and gently pour it inside the jar. Pack all of the bedding firmly. Note, If your children are around, It might be wise to keep them away when transporting any of the ants to and or from the jar, Especially if the ants are "red ants" or some other kind of biting ant.

Step 3: Water your ants by using some sort of gentle sprayer or sponge that will drop water. Essentially, You can also use a simple dropper, Such as those used in chemistry projects.

Step 4: Feeding your ants can be done by using tiny bits of fruit or vegetables, sugar dipped bread, or even small cracker pieces broken off.

Helpful Things To Remember:

#1: If you live in an area that might not supply ants, such as a colder environment with snow, Search for a craft or hobby store or even online and try to find a mail order for ants.

#2: The ants should not be able to climb up the walls, But if for some reason they may have intentions on doing so, You can add a slippery substance material to the inner depending on the type of container. Example: A Q-Tip with liquid on the insides to help keep the ants down.

#3: In order to assure proper ventilation, It would be wise to punch a few holes in the top so that all of the ants have plenty of air to breathe.

#4: As your ants' start moving into and acquiring a nesting ground in their new home, You should discourage anyone from shaking or moving around the jar. This is a potential problem that could destroy their tunnels.

#5: If you would like to enhance your experience, Try adding hobby related items, Such as little miniature palm trees or other objects inside the ant farm. This will ensure an everlasting and enjoyable experience for you and children to watch and view the ant kingdom.